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Advanced RSS Ticker using AJAX

I found this advanced RSS Ticker implemented using AJAX. Some of the features as mentioned in the creators website are :

  • Displays any RSS feed on the web in a ticker fashion. Specify exactly what components of the feed items to display, such as the title of the item, description, or post date.
  • Each RSS feed is cached on the server for best performance. LastRSS feature.
  • Total customization of each RSS ticker through the frontend JavaScript- easily specify the RSS cache period, CSS class name to style the ticker, delay between message change, and what parts of the feed to show (ie: title+description).
  • Enable or disable a fading effect between message change just by adding or removing two lines of CSS code!
  • Ticker pauses onMouseover.
  • Display multiple RSS tickers on a page, each with their own independent settings.

If you want to know more follow the link to the creators website.


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