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Cuil - Can it beat Google Search?

Well, there's lotz of buzz about the new search engine Cuil.
Click here to read more on Yahoo news.
CUIL works on the philosophy that "Popularity is useful, but not always important". In contrast to Google which ranks its results considering popularity as an important criteria, CUIL relies on relevancy. CUIL claims that its search scans 120 billion web pages.

All said and done I tried a very simple search on both CUIL and Google and check out the result for yourself

Searched for the word CUIL on Google and the results show www.cuil.com as the first result. Just above the first result there is also news very relevant to CUIL.

Now searched for the same word CUIL on www.cuil.com. And the result was not quite as as I had expected it to be.
The first result shows "Properties for sale in Cuil Mhuine..". Hmm not so relevant to what I was looking for!!!
Scanned all over the page to see if there are any links pointing to CUIL.com. Lots of links pointing to sites with the word CUIL somewhere on it. But didn't quite get to find a link pointing to cuil.com.

Ok lets just say I am being very unfair to search by a general term CUIL. It could lead to anything. So I decided to search for something more specific. I used very specific words "cuil search engine". And the results were narrowed down to three results and guess what, none of them pointed to www.cuil.com.

Maybe the search engine forgot to index itself. :)

So what do you think? Can Cuil beat Google Search?

Atleast the good thing about this is that Google thinks www.cuil.com is popular and ranked it number one when you search for the word CUIL. :)


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